Backyard Biodiversity
What Can I Do Now?
Tips To Get You Started

Incorporate into your landscape some native plants that existed in your region long before the lawn.
Limit or end your use of herbicides and insecticides. Insecticides are directly harmful to pollinators and other beneficial insects that are crucial for maintaining ecosystem balance. Insecticides directly eliminate important food sources
Supply them with fresh water (keep a shallow bowl or make sure there is a stick, so the insects don’t drown!)
Leave them with nesting areas. Bare ground (70% of bees nest underground and don’t sting), rotting wood for cavity dwellers, some plant stalks for the bees that like to tunnel
Leave the leaves! This is not a mandate, but many moths lay their eggs in leaf litter. If you can stand not to bag it up, but instead find a place to pile it up, you will really be helping the moth population. Moth caterpillars are the only food most baby birds can eat. It takes 5,000-9,000 caterpillars to feed one nest of chickadees. Moths are in decline too.
Don’t spray mosquito spray! This is the least effective way to control mosquitoes, but it is a highly effective nuclear bomb for other insects. Try fans for mosquito issues. They are the most effective as mosquitoes are weak flyers.